A Fantastic Guide On Smart Pools - The Future Of Swimming Pools For Your Home

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and it’s this evolution that has led us to an era of automation. Thanks to automation, monotonous and repetitive tasks don’t have to be manually performed. Instead, individuals can focus more on the things in life that actually require them to think and be intelligent.

While automation has already made its mark across various industries, it’s still something that the swimming pool industry is catching up with. Pool automation solutions are still in their nascent stages. However, in the years to come, you can expect them to become mainstays. In this post, we’ll turn our attention towards smart pools and discuss what they are, what they consist of, and the benefits they have to offer.

So, without any further delays, let’s get this smart pool guide started!

What is a smart pool?

If you think that a smart pool is a swimming pool that you have to purchase separately, think again. The fact is that smart pools aren’t really like concrete or fibreglass pools. They basically involve technologies that you can install and use for controlling various elements of your existing swimming pool. For example, if you install an automated heating solution in your pool, you can control it from your smartphone or any other mobile device. This prevents you from having to operate the heater manually.

Simply put, there’s a centralized management system that you can rely on for operating your pool’s devices. This management system may be in the form of downloadable software, a mobile app, or an online platform. Once you open this management system from your preferred device (mobile, tablet, laptop, or desktop), you’ll be able to see all automated functions on a single screen. This makes managing different pool functions a piece of cake.

Centralized pool management systems also allow pool owners to control various functions remotely. For instance, if you have an automated heating solution but forget to turn it off for some reason, you only need to go to the app/software and disable the heater. On the contrary, if you have a conventional pool heater, you’ll have to turn it off manually. So, if you leave home without turning it on, you’ll have to come back to turn it off.

Over time, automated pool solutions can help you make your swimming pool energy-efficient. Sure, these solutions may not be very pocket-friendly at present, but as more demand and competition come into play, their prices are sure to become more competitive. In the long run, these solutions will help you save a significant amount of money – money you can use for other things in life or for upgrading your swimming pool.

Qualities of a good centralized management system

If you’re already interested in transforming your existing swimming pool into a smart pool, you might be wondering what the qualities of a good centralized management system are. Well, for starters, you should look for a system that’s compatible with both Android and iOS. Such a system will allow you to upgrade your mobile devices without any compatibility worries.

You should also look for compatibility with smart systems such as Google Home and Amazon Echo. This will allow you to sync your smart pool solutions with other automated home solutions, making it easier for you to control them all from one place.

Another thing to look out for is what the companies are offering in terms of upgrades. If a company charges you each time an upgrade is rolled out, it’s one you should steer clear of. Instead, be on the lookout for reputed companies that value your investment and provide upgrades without additional charges. Look for online reviews to know what other customers have to say regarding the companies’ customer support practices.

What can a centralized pool management system control?

Centralized swimming pool management systems can be used to control a variety of concrete, vinyl liner, and fibreglass pool functions, such as:

  • Heating: There’s nothing better than taking a dip in warm water. Through automated heating solutions, you can make your swimming pool’s water warm from anywhere. For instance, if you want to use the pool right after you get back home from work, you can start heating when you’re about to leave your workplace. By the time you get back home, the pool water will be warm enough for you to take a dip without a second thought.
  • Lighting: Installing pool lights is a great way of making your swimming pool accessible and safe when it’s dark. Lights also enhance the pool’s appearance, which makes them great for throwing memorable poolside parties. Through a centralized management system, you can choose not just when the lights turn and off but also select when they change colours.
  • Self-cleaning: Manually cleaning a swimming pool is hard work, but if you’re short on time, it can be even harder. This is where smart self-cleaning solutions can come to the rescue. Most of these self-cleaning systems at present feature similar designs and functions. They consist of nozzles, which are installed on the floor of your swimming pool. When the system isn’t in use, the nozzles remain within the floor, which ensures that there’s no obstruction for swimmers. However, when switched on, the nozzles come out from the floor and shoot water jets. This bottom-to-top shooting of water jets uniformly cleans the water and pushes debris in the pool drain’s direction. It also plays a crucial role in circulating water across the length, breadth, and depth of the pool.
  • Salt chlorinators: Chlorine is one of the most important chemicals for sanitizing and disinfecting pool water. However, as chlorine eliminates potentially harmful micro-organisms in the pool, it is gradually depleted. Owners have to be extremely careful before adding more chlorine, as too much of it can render the water unsafe. However, smart salt chlorinators automatically detect chlorine levels. If any deficiency is detected, these intelligent devices simply release an amount of chlorine that’s necessary to meet the deficiency.
  • Pool pumps: Pool pumps are responsible for water circulation, which ensures that the temperature of the water remains even in every area of the pool. However, they are also known for being energy guzzlers. Smart pool pumps, on the other hand, use a fraction of the energy consumed by traditional pumps. At the same time, they are just as effective as traditional pumps at circulating water along with keeping it clean.

So, if you’re planning to tweak your pool and upgrade it to a smart pool, we recommend getting started right away. It’s convenient and it will help you keep a check on your expenses as well.