Swimming Pool Cleaners - Which Cleaner Is Best Suited to My Pool and Lifestyle?
Keeping your pool clean goes hand in hand with pool ownership and today there are a variety of pool cleaning options available that can simplify pool maintenance, but which one is best suited to your pool and lifestyle? This is a question we get asked often here at Fibreglass Pools Melbourne, so we’ve outlined some key information to help you make your choice.

Factors that keep your pool clean
1. Circulation system
Your pool’s circulation system consists of your pool pump, filter, drains, skimmers and returns. They all work together to continuously, filter, clean and move your pool water to prevent algae from harbouring and growing.
2. Chemicals
There are several chemicals needed to keep your pool water clean, the main one is chlorine which works by killing algae and bacteria to keep it sanitary.
3. Clearing out debris
The chances of leaves and debris falling into your pool water even if there are no trees or plants nearby are high. The wind blows contaminants into your pool and you need to regularly remove them with a pool scoop to prevent them from sinking to the bottom and disrupting your pools pH levels.
4. Swimming pool cleaner
Vacuuming your pool picks up fine particles dirt and leaves that have sunk to the bottom. Not doing this regularly can disrupt your pool chemical levels and turn the water into an unpleasant colour which may appear green or cloudy.
There are three main types of swimming pool cleaners to choose from:
Manual vacuum
A manual vacuum essentially means you do all the pool cleaning, there is no self-cleaning involved. They are the least favoured option yet the most cost-effective, so if you are budget conscious this could be a good solution. To clean your pool via this method you will need to purchase a pool hose, a vacuum plate, a vacuum head, and a telescopic pole to attach it to. For it to work, one end of the pool hose needs to be connected to the vacuum head and the other end of the hose needs to be attached to the vacuum plate. The suction from your skimmer picks up dirt and debris as you run it over the surface of your pool. It is important that all areas of the pool are vacuumed, including the steps. Ideally, this should be done weekly.
Automatic pool cleaner
The next option is an automatic cleaner. They can convert hours of vacuuming each week to practically nothing. When it comes to price, they sit in the middle of the pack and while they are more expensive than manual cleaners, the time-saving benefits they offer are significant and can spare you from having to do it yourself. There are a few different automatic cleaners on the market, and they all work differently. Here is a rundown of the different types and how they work:
Suction side cleaners
Suction side cleaners work similarly to manual vacuums, the only difference is instead of you having to the vacuum the pool, it does it itself. If you decide this type of cleaner is for you, you will need to purchase a suction side cleaning device, a pool hose, and a vacuum plate. The cleaner is attached to one end of the pool hose and the other end of the hose is attached to the suction plate. It works the same as a manual vacuum by sucking up junk from the pool and collecting it in the skimmer. Side suction cleaners are popular due to their affordability as well as being easy to use and maintain. A small negative with this cleaner is that they only work when the pool pump is on, which can cause wear and tear over time.
Pressure side cleaners
Pressure side cleaners are a little different to manual and suction side cleaners as they don’t attach to your skimmer, instead, they are connected via your return jets. Rather than collecting unwanted nasties in your skimmer, it is collected in a cleaning bag that is attached to the device, the bag is generous in size and can collect a fair number of leaves and other litter before it needs emptying. This type of cleaner is priced higher than side suction cleaners but it doesn’t place any wear on your pump and can collect large debris with ease.
Robotic pool cleaners
Robotic pool cleaners are the newest innovation of all the automatic cleaners and are arguably the most effective and energy-efficient. They run independently using electricity and while you’re probably thinking they must chew energy, it is quite the opposite. A robotic cleaner uses about the same amount of electricity as a standard household light globe. While this device is the most expensive automatic cleaner, they are far cheaper to run which can save you money long term. If the smallest variance is detected in the electrical current, they switch off automatically which makes them highly safe. They have integrated advanced brushing technology and can manoeuver over each inch of the pool, including the steps to give it a superior clean.
Built-in pool cleaners
Pools with built-in cleaners are often called self-cleaning pools and they are the ultimate luxury in terms of pool cleaning. They utilise world-class technology and are the cleaning system of tomorrow. With this type of cleaner, you can expect your physical pool maintenance to be reduced to virtually nothing whilst providing you with the most supreme clean and highest water quality. Best of all, they don’t obstruct the swimming area as they sit flush in the bottom of your pool and are colour matched to seamlessly tie in, most don’t even realise they are there until you point them out. Every square inch of your pool water is circulated, and they shoot water towards the drain to push dirt and debris into it. Built-in pool cleaners while costly compared to other pool cleaners, offer benefits that cannot be matched. The chemicals are dispersed evenly throughout your pool on a timed schedule and the water is circulated from the bottom to the top which prevents algae from growing. You can connect it to smart technology and run all components from an app conveniently stored in your smart device. This allows you to control every aspect of your pool from anywhere and at any time, you don’t even have to be home. Having a self-cleaning pool can add value to your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers if you ever decide to sell. The only downfall to this kind of cleaner is that they have to be installed at the same time as the pool, they cannot be added later on.
Get professional advice
We hope this post has provided you with an insight into the various pool cleaning options available and you now have a basic understanding of what they are and what they do. If you have any questions or are still undecided on which pool cleaner is best for your home and lifestyle, get in contact with our friendly team here at Fibreglass Pools Melbourne. We specialise in luxury fibreglass pools and we would be happy to run through your options with you.