The Top Money-Saving Tips For Pool Owners
Maintaining a pool is an expensive affair - this is one of the most common swimming pool myths. Sure, if you're not wise about pool maintenance, the bills can get overwhelming. However, if you are wise about it, there's no reason why pool maintenance will drill a hole in your pockets.

In this article, we'll attempt to give you the wisdom you need to maintain your pool without shelling out a fortune. So, if you own a pool and want to save your hard-earned money, read on.
1. Invest in a solar pool cover
You might be thinking – “What kind of advice is this? You just said you’d help me save money, but now you’re asking me to invest in a pool cover?” Well, we don’t blame you if you think this way, but give us some time to explain.
The fact is that a solar pool cover is a relatively inexpensive pool accessory that can provide multiple benefits, which include:
- Solar pool heating
- Prevents heat from escaping the pool
- Prevents the entry of debris
- Allows pool heaters to be run sparingly, which leads to savings in the long run
So you see, investing in a solar pool cover makes a lot of sense, especially if you consider long-term savings.
2. Pay attention to how you store the vacuum head
Vacuuming is one of the most important pool maintenance tasks you’ll have to undertake, and for that, you need a vacuum head. While vacuum heads undergo wear and tear just like everything else, you can minimise the wear and tear by storing them properly. Many homeowners have to frequently replace their vacuum heads simply because they’re not cautious about the storage.
For starters, you should never leave your vacuum head lying in the sun, as the solar heat may damage the head’s brushes. Also, keep it upside down, as this will prevent the brushes from becoming flat. During the winter months, ensure that your vacuum head doesn’t come into contact with chlorine. Excessive exposure to chlorine can lead to significant damage, and you may have to replace your vacuum head altogether. Sure, this tip won’t help you save a fortune, but at least it’ll keep your vacuum head in tip-top shape for a long time to come.

3. Purchase pool chemicals in bulk and preferably early in the pool season
Maintaining pool water chemistry is essential, but to do that, you’ll need a variety of pool chemicals. While pool chemicals aren’t the most expensive pool maintenance products in the short term, they can really pile on the expenses in the long run.
The best way to keep the expenses in check on the pool chemicals front is to buy the chemicals in bulk. Also, you should purchase them very early on in the pool season. Typically, at this time, most pool stores want to get rid of their older stocks and offer the chemicals at discount rates. So, before the next pool season is well and truly underway, head to your nearby pool store and complete your chemical shopping.
Here are the benefits of regularly maintaining your swimming pool!
4. Minimise your pool filter use by shocking your pool regularly
The pool filter is undoubtedly a vital piece of pool equipment, and you definitely need to run it from time to time. After all, the filtration system helps to keep the water clear and healthy. However, it’s important to remember that pool filters run on electricity and if you exclusively depend on your filtration system to keep your pool clean, your electricity bills will skyrocket.
If you want to keep your pool filter’s operational expenses in check, you should start ‘shocking’ your pool. Pool shocking is the practice of raising the free chlorine content in your swimming pool, which can eliminate microorganisms rapidly. There are various pool shock products, but we recommend opting for calcium hypochlorite, which is cheap and effective.

5. Go DIY with winterising your above-ground pool
Most pool owners reach out to professionals when it comes to winterising their above-ground pools. However, the fact is that you can very well winterise yours on your own. Sure, it will take you some time to do it, but that’s about it. You don’t need any technical expertise. Follow these steps to winterise your above-ground pool:
- Invest in closing chemicals and add them to the pool water.
- Next, drain the pool – it should be drained 6 – 8 inches under the level of the skimmer.
- Remove the pool pump’s and filter’s hoses.
- Store your pump’s and filter’s drain plugs in your pump basket after removing them.
- Do a winter plug installation in your pool’s return line.
- Float your air pillow pool cover to the pool’s middle after blowing it up – buy an air pillow pool cover if you don’t have one.
- Drape and secure the air pillow pool cover over the entire pool. Use winter cover clips and/or a cable and a winch to secure it.
- Use water bags for holding the cover in place.
6. Keep an eye out on pool water evaporation
Evaporation is a natural process, but it can cost you a lot of money, especially if you let it dry up your pool frequently. Apart from pumping in fresh water regularly to maintain your pool’s water level, you also have to add more chemicals to maintain pool water chemistry. Quite simply, evaporation can make your water bills skyrocket and also force you to invest in more chemicals.
The simplest way to deal with the evaporation issue is to keep your pool covered during periods of unuse. Also, try and erect objects around the pool to block wind, especially if you live in a windy region. Fences, boulders, and/or shrubs should be sufficient.
So, there you have it – 6 of the best money-saving tips for pool owners. Putting these tips into practice will not only help you save money but also play a crucial role in maintaining the safety of your swimming pool. On the other hand, if you ignore them, you’re likely to jeopardise your pool’s safety and shell out a lot of money on maintenance.