How To Use Your Pool Vacuum
Vacuuming your pool is a fantastic way to keep your fibreglass pool clean, healthy and looking its best! While vacuuming your pool may sound a little intimidating at first, we assure you it’s actually a very straightforward and easy to perform task. You can work vacuuming into your normal cleaning routine and it may even end up saving you time on other tasks!
A frequently asked question is how often should I vacuum my pool? The short answer is: once a week! You should also whip out the vacuum any time you notice an abnormal amount of debris or organic material (leaves) have sunk to the floor of your pool.

Why You Might Want To Vaccum Your Pool Yourself
So, before we dive into the specifics, it’s worthwhile discussing why you would want to vacuum your pool yourself.
Firstly, taking the vacuum into your own hands is a much cheaper option than paying somebody else to do it. In a way, it can be empowering to know you’re saving yourself money while cleaning!
Secondly, the more care you take of your pool the longer it will last. This extends to cleaning matters such as vacuuming; don’t trick yourself into thinking cleaning those leaves off your pool floor is just a chore. It’s a vital part of ensuring your pool’s health and over the longer term could mean your pool lasts many more years!
What You’ll Need For A Vaccum
The most obvious thing you will need to vacuum your pool is: you guessed it, a vacuum! But what exactly makes up a vacuum? You will need:
- A vacuum head – this is the most obvious part of the vacuum and is attached to the pole
- A telescopic pole – this is the handle for the vacuum. Most of the time this will be extendable so you can reach the deepest corners of your pool
- Vacuum hose – a long, ribbed hose made of plastic that connects your vacuum to your pool filter
- Skim vac or vacuum plate – this sits on top of the strainer basket

How To Vacuum
In order to vacuum your fibreglass pool, you should do the following:
- You might want to do a bit of stretching first! Vacuuming your pool can get quite tiring, especially if you’re working in the sun.
- Start your vacuum at the shallow end of your fibreglass pool. Use long strokes to sweep the floor of your fibreglass pool. Make sure to keep an eye out for any debris you might have missed – avoid this by overlapping your strokes somewhat
- Keep your vacuum strokes slow: trying to clean in a rush will inevitably kick up debris and cloud the water. This in turn will make your vacuuming take longer. Slow and gentle is the name of the game here, especially if it’s been a while since you last cleaned.
- Make your way to the deep end, stroke by stroke, and extend your telescopic pole the deeper you get to make the strokes easier on you.
- If you find debris kicking up from the pool floor and clouding your water, give it an hour or two to settle down.
- Congratulations! You just finished vacuuming your pool. Doesn’t it feel great?
After You’ve Vacuumed Your Pool
Before you head inside and congratulate yourself on keeping your fibreglass pool healthy and clean, there are two more things you should do.
Firstly, unscrew the vacuum head from your telescopic pole and replace it with a brush (if you have one.) Make sure to drain the water from the vacuum hose as you do so. Next, take the brush to the water and scrub down any remaining blemishes or debris from your pool’s surface. Don’t worry, you won’t have to include algae on your cleaning list: fibreglass pools are remarkably resistant to algae!
Secondly, check your filter. All that vacuuming is sure to have put your pools pump and filter under strain, so ensure that neither are blocked.
And there you have it! You’ve just vacuumed your pool and kept it looking stunning. Now that you know how valuable and easy it is to vacuum your pool regularly, why don’t you peruse our blog section to find even more pool care tips!